Imagine a wanderer in the desert, dying of thirst. He looked away and saw a shadow of a lake has crystal clear water surrounded by trees. He staggered up to the shadow disappears and nothing but the hot sand in the vicinity.

The lake, which he sees is a distant shadow. What gives? The shadow is a hoax played by Nature in front of our eyes as a result of certain circumstances in the air. First we must understand that we can see an object because the rays reflected from the object to our eyes. Usually these rays reach our eyes in a straight line. So if we look at kekejauhan, we only see things that are above our horizon.

Now we turn to the tricks played by air with rays. In the desert, there is a thick layer of air above the ground which acts as a mirror. An object of this dense layer of air, the rays reflected to our eyes and we see the object as if it is above cakrawaka dab visible to us. Actually, we "see" objects that can not be seen by our eyes! When the sky is much reflected by the "mirror" this air, the sky sometimes looks like a lake, and we see the shadow.
On a hot day, when you approach the crest of a hill, maybe you will think that the road ahead was wet. This is also a shadow! What you see is the light of heaven that has been bent by the hot air just above the pavement so that it appears to have originated from the road itself.
Shadows also occurred at sea, with images of ships that were sailing across the sky! In this case, there is cold air near the water and hot air above it. Distant ships, which are far away on the horizon, can be viewed as waves cahanya from ships that are reflected by a layer of hot air and we saw the ship in the sky!
One of the images are very famous in the world occurred in Sicily, along the Strait of Messina. Messina city reflected in the sky, and the oxen imaginary seem to float in the air. The Italians called Fata Morgana, by name Morgam Le Fay, who is considered as an evil fairy who causes this shadow.

The lake, which he sees is a distant shadow. What gives? The shadow is a hoax played by Nature in front of our eyes as a result of certain circumstances in the air. First we must understand that we can see an object because the rays reflected from the object to our eyes. Usually these rays reach our eyes in a straight line. So if we look at kekejauhan, we only see things that are above our horizon.

Now we turn to the tricks played by air with rays. In the desert, there is a thick layer of air above the ground which acts as a mirror. An object of this dense layer of air, the rays reflected to our eyes and we see the object as if it is above cakrawaka dab visible to us. Actually, we "see" objects that can not be seen by our eyes! When the sky is much reflected by the "mirror" this air, the sky sometimes looks like a lake, and we see the shadow.
On a hot day, when you approach the crest of a hill, maybe you will think that the road ahead was wet. This is also a shadow! What you see is the light of heaven that has been bent by the hot air just above the pavement so that it appears to have originated from the road itself.
Shadows also occurred at sea, with images of ships that were sailing across the sky! In this case, there is cold air near the water and hot air above it. Distant ships, which are far away on the horizon, can be viewed as waves cahanya from ships that are reflected by a layer of hot air and we saw the ship in the sky!
One of the images are very famous in the world occurred in Sicily, along the Strait of Messina. Messina city reflected in the sky, and the oxen imaginary seem to float in the air. The Italians called Fata Morgana, by name Morgam Le Fay, who is considered as an evil fairy who causes this shadow.
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