Of all the strange plants in the world, many plants that need the meat, like beef insects, and they are carnivorous plants. All carnivorous plants are found in areas where the soil has very little nutrients.
These interesting plants are categorized as carnivores because they make traps insects and arthropods, produce digestive juices, dissolving the prey, and most, of their nutrition from this process. Plant is the first book written by Charles Darwin, in 1875, "Insectivorous Plants".
After the discovery and further research, it is believed that the nature of the meat-eaters evolved on six separate occasions, from five different orders of plants berbunga.sekarang found more than 630 different species of flowering plants.
There are five basic mechanisms of traps used and found in all plants: such as Fly Paper traps, trap blow, trapping bags and lobster pot trap. I wanted to show some of the plants, using the mechanism of each, so you can also see the differences between different genera.
10. Sarracenia
Sarracenia, or pitcher plants, carnivorous plants is the genus on the east coast, Texas, a large lake and south eastern Canada, with most species found only in southeastern states.
It is also the first with a trap crop that will be discussed. plant leaves have evolved into a funnel, with a hood-like structure developed over the opening to prevent rain water from diluting the digestive juices.
Insects attracted by the color, odor and nectar-like secretions on the lip teko.permukaan slick, assisted in at least one species, with medicinal nectar blow, causing the insects to fall into and they will die and digested by proteases and other enzymes.
9. Nepenthes
Nepenthes, tropical pitcher plant or monkey cup plant, the other genus of carnivorous plants with a trap.
There are about 130 species are widespread, and can be found in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar, Seychelles, Australia, India, Borneo and Sumatra. the nickname "monkey cup" nickname comes from the fact that the monkeys often drank rainwater similar to this tumbhan.
Most species of Nepenthes are vines of high (10-15m), with a shallow root system. From the rod you'll often see a sword like leaf growing, with tendrils that (often used for climbing) protruding from the tip of the leaf.
At the end of the runner, the pitcher the first form as small ball, which then expands and forms a cup. trap contains a fluid, produced by plants, which might dilute ORS sweet and used to drown and digest insects.
The bottom of the cup contains glands which absorb and distribute nutrients. Most plants are small and tend to trap insects, but some larger species, such as Nepenthes Rafflesiana and Nepenthes Rajah, has been documented to catch small mammals such as mice.
8. Genlisea
Genlisea, better known as the corkscrew plants, consisting of 21 species and generally grow in wet ground for semi-aquatic environment, and spread throughout Africa, central and South America.
Genlisea is a small plant with yellow flowers that take advantage of lobster traps (traps are easy to enter but impossible to get out, such as using small hairs grow toward the entrance or in this case, which had pushed forward spiral).
This plant has two types of leaves - leaf photosynthetic above the ground, and leaves a special underground to attract, trap and digest the minute organisms, such as underground protozoa.daun also perform root tasks, such as absorbing water and the harbor, as the plants do not have any .
The leaves of this underground form of hollow tubes under the ground, this tube has a corkscrew shape pushing forward, and with the help of a constant water flow, tiny microbes can make their way into the tube, but can not find their way out again. When they reach the part inside the tube, they will be digested and absorbed.
7. Darlingtonia californica
Darlingtonia californica, also called the Flower of California or the Cobra Lilly, is the sole member of the genus darlingtonia, and Northern California native and Oregon.Mereka grow in swamps and seeps with cold water and, because it is rarely on the plains, this plant is considered normal.
Cobra Lily leaves of the round and form an empty cavity, with openings located below the balloon, swelling like structure and two pointed leaves hanging from the tip like fangs.
Unlike a large pitcher plant, Cobra Lilly did not use the trap traps, but traps lobster pots. Once inside, the insects are confused with speckles of light allowed to shine through the plant.
When they landed there, there are thousands of fine hairs that grow into dense, hair they can follow a deeper towards the digestive organs, but they can not turn or move backward to escape.
6. Utricularia
Utricularia, otherwise known as bladderworts, is a genus of carnivorous plants comprising about 220 species. They grow in fresh water and moist soil as well as terrestrial species in the waters, on every continent except Antarctica.
They are the only carnivorous plant that traps the bladder. Most species have a very small trap, where they can catch prey in an instant, such as protozoa. Traps can range from 0.2mm - 1.2cm, with a larger trap, trap larger prey such as water fleas, and even small tadpoles.
Traps small trigger hairs attached to the trapdoor. The bladder, when set, is under negative pressure in relation to the surrounding area. When a trigger hair fall, trap doors open, sucking insects and the surrounding water, and closed the door again, all in a matter of 10 thousands per second.
5. Pinguicula
Pinguicula, or butterworts, is a group of carnivorous plants that use a sticky substance, glandular leaves to lure, trap and digest insects. Nutrients from insects complement the mineral content of the soil is poor. There are about 80 species found throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia.
Butterwort leaves are beautiful and usually green or pink of Regional. There are two specific types of cells found on the upper side of leaf butterwort. One, known as penduncular gland, and consists of secretory cells on a single stem cell.
These cells produce a mucilaginous secretion which forms visible droplets on the leaf surface, and acts like flypaper. Other cells called glands sessile. They lay on the leaf surface and produce enzymes such as amylase, esterase and protease, which helps in digestion process.
4. Drosera
Drosera, commonly known as the sundews, consisting of one of the largest genus of carnivorous plants, with at least 194 species. can be found widely spread over every continent except Antarctica.
Sundews, (depending on species) can take the form of roses prostrate or erect, ranging from 1 cm to 1m high, and can live to 50 years.
Sundews glands characterized by moving tentacles, topped with sweet sticky liquid. When an insect lands on the sticky tentacles, these plants can move more toward the tentacles to trap more insects.
Once trapped, small sessile glands of insects to digest and absorb nutrients that are generated, which can then be used to help growth.
3. Byblis
Byblis, or plant a rainbow, is a small genus of carnivorous plants native Australia. The name comes from the rainbow plant an attractive appearance leaves them covered with slime in the sun.
Although this plant looks similar to Drosera and Drosophllum, they are not related to the similarity of species and can be distinguished by flowers with five stamens Zygomorphic curved.
The leaves have a rounded cross section, and they tend to be very elongated and tapered at the ends. Leaf surface completely covered with hair glands that release a sticky mucilaginous substance, which in turn trap small insects on the leaves or tentacles as a passive flypaper traps.
2. Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Aldrovanda vesiculosa, also known as plant water mill, is interesting plants without roots, carnivores, and also aquatic plants. usually eat small vertebrates, using a mechanism called a trap snap traps.
This plant is mainly composed of free-floating stems, reaching 6 - 11cm in length. Trap leaves grow along the 2-3mm grew from 5-9, in succession along the stem near the center of the plant. Trap attached to the petioles, which contain air, and assist in flotation.
This is a very fast growing plant and can reach 4-9mm per day, in some cases even generate new thread every day. As the plant grows from one end, the other end will continue to die. Traps are basically composed of two lobes together to make the traps shut.
The openings of the trap exit point, and covered in a layer of hair trigger, which will cause the trap to clap shut down when any prey that comes too close. speed trap shut is 10 milli / sec, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the animal kingdom.
1. Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula, better known as the Venus flytrap, carnivorous plants is probably the most famous, and he ate mainly on insects and arachnids. Venus flytrap is a small plant that has 4-7 leaves that grow from underground stems short.
Leaves are divided into two: a heart-shaped leaf stalks are flattened and a pair of terminal lobes hinged at the midrib, forming a trap which is actually a leaf sejati.Permukaan the inside of the lobes contains red pigments and ultimately remove the mucus.
This shows lobes fast motion by putting plants close when special sensory hairs are stimulated. This plant is so advanced that can distinguish between the stimulus and the stimulus that is not living life.
Lobes close within about 0.1 / sec. they are constrained by rigid spines or protrusions such as cilia, which cover together and prevent large prey from escaping.
Once the prey can not escape and the inner surface of the lobe continues to be stimulated, or gripping the edge of the lobes to grow together, sealing the trap and create a "belly" closed where digestion and absorption can occur.
These interesting plants are categorized as carnivores because they make traps insects and arthropods, produce digestive juices, dissolving the prey, and most, of their nutrition from this process. Plant is the first book written by Charles Darwin, in 1875, "Insectivorous Plants".
After the discovery and further research, it is believed that the nature of the meat-eaters evolved on six separate occasions, from five different orders of plants berbunga.sekarang found more than 630 different species of flowering plants.
There are five basic mechanisms of traps used and found in all plants: such as Fly Paper traps, trap blow, trapping bags and lobster pot trap. I wanted to show some of the plants, using the mechanism of each, so you can also see the differences between different genera.
10. Sarracenia
Sarracenia, or pitcher plants, carnivorous plants is the genus on the east coast, Texas, a large lake and south eastern Canada, with most species found only in southeastern states.
It is also the first with a trap crop that will be discussed. plant leaves have evolved into a funnel, with a hood-like structure developed over the opening to prevent rain water from diluting the digestive juices.
Insects attracted by the color, odor and nectar-like secretions on the lip teko.permukaan slick, assisted in at least one species, with medicinal nectar blow, causing the insects to fall into and they will die and digested by proteases and other enzymes.
9. Nepenthes
Nepenthes, tropical pitcher plant or monkey cup plant, the other genus of carnivorous plants with a trap.

There are about 130 species are widespread, and can be found in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar, Seychelles, Australia, India, Borneo and Sumatra. the nickname "monkey cup" nickname comes from the fact that the monkeys often drank rainwater similar to this tumbhan.
Most species of Nepenthes are vines of high (10-15m), with a shallow root system. From the rod you'll often see a sword like leaf growing, with tendrils that (often used for climbing) protruding from the tip of the leaf.
At the end of the runner, the pitcher the first form as small ball, which then expands and forms a cup. trap contains a fluid, produced by plants, which might dilute ORS sweet and used to drown and digest insects.
The bottom of the cup contains glands which absorb and distribute nutrients. Most plants are small and tend to trap insects, but some larger species, such as Nepenthes Rafflesiana and Nepenthes Rajah, has been documented to catch small mammals such as mice.
8. Genlisea
Genlisea, better known as the corkscrew plants, consisting of 21 species and generally grow in wet ground for semi-aquatic environment, and spread throughout Africa, central and South America.

Genlisea is a small plant with yellow flowers that take advantage of lobster traps (traps are easy to enter but impossible to get out, such as using small hairs grow toward the entrance or in this case, which had pushed forward spiral).
This plant has two types of leaves - leaf photosynthetic above the ground, and leaves a special underground to attract, trap and digest the minute organisms, such as underground protozoa.daun also perform root tasks, such as absorbing water and the harbor, as the plants do not have any .
The leaves of this underground form of hollow tubes under the ground, this tube has a corkscrew shape pushing forward, and with the help of a constant water flow, tiny microbes can make their way into the tube, but can not find their way out again. When they reach the part inside the tube, they will be digested and absorbed.
7. Darlingtonia californica
Darlingtonia californica, also called the Flower of California or the Cobra Lilly, is the sole member of the genus darlingtonia, and Northern California native and Oregon.Mereka grow in swamps and seeps with cold water and, because it is rarely on the plains, this plant is considered normal.

Cobra Lily leaves of the round and form an empty cavity, with openings located below the balloon, swelling like structure and two pointed leaves hanging from the tip like fangs.
Unlike a large pitcher plant, Cobra Lilly did not use the trap traps, but traps lobster pots. Once inside, the insects are confused with speckles of light allowed to shine through the plant.
When they landed there, there are thousands of fine hairs that grow into dense, hair they can follow a deeper towards the digestive organs, but they can not turn or move backward to escape.
6. Utricularia
Utricularia, otherwise known as bladderworts, is a genus of carnivorous plants comprising about 220 species. They grow in fresh water and moist soil as well as terrestrial species in the waters, on every continent except Antarctica.

They are the only carnivorous plant that traps the bladder. Most species have a very small trap, where they can catch prey in an instant, such as protozoa. Traps can range from 0.2mm - 1.2cm, with a larger trap, trap larger prey such as water fleas, and even small tadpoles.
Traps small trigger hairs attached to the trapdoor. The bladder, when set, is under negative pressure in relation to the surrounding area. When a trigger hair fall, trap doors open, sucking insects and the surrounding water, and closed the door again, all in a matter of 10 thousands per second.
5. Pinguicula
Pinguicula, or butterworts, is a group of carnivorous plants that use a sticky substance, glandular leaves to lure, trap and digest insects. Nutrients from insects complement the mineral content of the soil is poor. There are about 80 species found throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia.

Butterwort leaves are beautiful and usually green or pink of Regional. There are two specific types of cells found on the upper side of leaf butterwort. One, known as penduncular gland, and consists of secretory cells on a single stem cell.
These cells produce a mucilaginous secretion which forms visible droplets on the leaf surface, and acts like flypaper. Other cells called glands sessile. They lay on the leaf surface and produce enzymes such as amylase, esterase and protease, which helps in digestion process.
4. Drosera
Drosera, commonly known as the sundews, consisting of one of the largest genus of carnivorous plants, with at least 194 species. can be found widely spread over every continent except Antarctica.

Sundews, (depending on species) can take the form of roses prostrate or erect, ranging from 1 cm to 1m high, and can live to 50 years.
Sundews glands characterized by moving tentacles, topped with sweet sticky liquid. When an insect lands on the sticky tentacles, these plants can move more toward the tentacles to trap more insects.
Once trapped, small sessile glands of insects to digest and absorb nutrients that are generated, which can then be used to help growth.
3. Byblis
Byblis, or plant a rainbow, is a small genus of carnivorous plants native Australia. The name comes from the rainbow plant an attractive appearance leaves them covered with slime in the sun.
Although this plant looks similar to Drosera and Drosophllum, they are not related to the similarity of species and can be distinguished by flowers with five stamens Zygomorphic curved.
The leaves have a rounded cross section, and they tend to be very elongated and tapered at the ends. Leaf surface completely covered with hair glands that release a sticky mucilaginous substance, which in turn trap small insects on the leaves or tentacles as a passive flypaper traps.
2. Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Aldrovanda vesiculosa, also known as plant water mill, is interesting plants without roots, carnivores, and also aquatic plants. usually eat small vertebrates, using a mechanism called a trap snap traps.

This plant is mainly composed of free-floating stems, reaching 6 - 11cm in length. Trap leaves grow along the 2-3mm grew from 5-9, in succession along the stem near the center of the plant. Trap attached to the petioles, which contain air, and assist in flotation.
This is a very fast growing plant and can reach 4-9mm per day, in some cases even generate new thread every day. As the plant grows from one end, the other end will continue to die. Traps are basically composed of two lobes together to make the traps shut.
The openings of the trap exit point, and covered in a layer of hair trigger, which will cause the trap to clap shut down when any prey that comes too close. speed trap shut is 10 milli / sec, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the animal kingdom.
1. Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula, better known as the Venus flytrap, carnivorous plants is probably the most famous, and he ate mainly on insects and arachnids. Venus flytrap is a small plant that has 4-7 leaves that grow from underground stems short.

Leaves are divided into two: a heart-shaped leaf stalks are flattened and a pair of terminal lobes hinged at the midrib, forming a trap which is actually a leaf sejati.Permukaan the inside of the lobes contains red pigments and ultimately remove the mucus.
This shows lobes fast motion by putting plants close when special sensory hairs are stimulated. This plant is so advanced that can distinguish between the stimulus and the stimulus that is not living life.
Lobes close within about 0.1 / sec. they are constrained by rigid spines or protrusions such as cilia, which cover together and prevent large prey from escaping.
Once the prey can not escape and the inner surface of the lobe continues to be stimulated, or gripping the edge of the lobes to grow together, sealing the trap and create a "belly" closed where digestion and absorption can occur.
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