The Satanic Verses

The Satanic Verses is a novel of the four works of Salman Rushdie, which was first published in 1988, and partially inspired the story of Muhammad's life. The title refers to what yangbakal-agan agan known as the satanic verses. In this novel, the main character named Mahound (which is most likely referring to Muhammad) is told in flashback parallel with the two other main characters Gibreel and Saladin Chamcha Farishta. In the United Kingdom, this novel was well received by critics, and a Booker Prize finalist in 1988, although defeated by the works of Oscar and Lucinda Peter Carey won the 1988 Whitbread Award for best novel that year. But in the Muslim community, this novel produces tremendous controversy. A fatwa issued against the author by Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. 1 million dollar prize has been presented to anyone who killed Rushdie and 3 million dollars if the killer is a citizen of Iran. Other countries soon joined in the excitement. Venezuela threatened to ban the book and 15 months in prison to anyone who read it. While in Japan, a translator who was involved with the book was stabbed to death this book should not be circulated in India, and many were burned at a demonstration in the United Kingdom. The novel is also lit riots in Pakistan in 1989.
Mahound's life in flashback set in Ignorance in the form of dreams or visions of Gibreel, narrated that the "Messenger" (intermediaries) are faced with the difficult choice to compromise with the traditional polytheism. By the time he wanted to introduce a system of monotheism which revealed to him, it is opposed by local communities. At its peak it had to choose between three goddesses recognize major Ignorance (Allat - female form of God, Uzza, and Manah) as equal to God and the whole population of Ignorance will worship his God Mahound, or he may insist to reject goddesses and will be despised / exiled. After he resigned to seek revelation, first he returned to the states that she received a revelation from Gabriel that the three goddesses will be recognized equal to God; but then after he ascended the mountain again, he returned with the claim that the earlier revelation is from the devil and must be eradicated from all the written records that have been made, as a result he and his followers fled from Jahiliya
American Psycho

The book is already in the filmed gan .. honest, ane've read through the contents of this book online. and instantly killed ane make sense to eat for three days (sadistic bgt!). A satirical novel that came out in 1991 highlighted the nature of the joke of the yuppies in America. The story is told through a protagonist Patrick Bateman, a crazy yuppie who becomes a serial killer. In recent times this novel has been labeled as "one of the key novels of the 20th century" but when it was released to make a big controversy because of the extreme (detailed bgt gan) graphic violence and sexual abuse. The author received hate mail and death threats. This book is still not able to be bought by people aged under 18 years in several countries.
... I start by skinning Torri a little, making incisions with a steak knife and ripping bits of flesh from her legs and stomach while She screams in vain, begging for mercy in a high thin voice. Finally I pour acid onto her belly and genitals, but none of this comes close to killing her, so I resort to stabbing her in the throat and eventually the blade of the knife breaks off in what's left of her neck, stuck on bone, and I stop. While Tiffany watches, finally I saw the entire head off - torrents of blood splash again ... (Intentionally ane ga terjemahin agan2 let alone that gets the atmosphere)
The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American author Dan Brown and published in 2003 by Doubleday Fiction. This book is one of the best-selling book in the world with 36 million copies and been translated into 44 languages, including Indonesia. In Indonesia Porch Science published by Universe. Its contents tell you that the Catholic Church has been involved in a conspiracy to cover up the true story of Jesus. This implies that the Vatican consciously knows are living in a falsehood, but to do something in order to maintain his power. The fans praise that this book is creative, although critics have also attacked by saying ketidakakuratannya and bad writing, and condemn the controversial stance on the role of the Christian Church.

When I first launch in 1995, directly in his protest gan ga because it is considered unethical and immoral. contents great sebenranya gan, there are funny, sad, happy, but the fact that the main character Humbert is a pedophile who falls in love with 12-year-old boy named dolorez haze causing banned in many countries. fitting when first published, sold 300,000 directly ekslempar in the first 3 weeks.
Humbert's memoir begins with "Lolita, light of my life, burn my waist, my sin, my soul." He acknowledges that Lolita has precursors, and that "perhaps there has been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a girl child." During the summer of 1923, Humbert and Annabel, both thirteen, are still "wild, clumsily, shamelessly, tormented love with each other," but can not find an opportunity to express it. When Humbert noted that Annabel died four months later of typhus, he wondered, "it later ... that the rift in my life begin? Or was my excessive desire that the child only the first evidence of an inherent singularity" He expressed his belief , though, that "in a miraculous way and determine Lolita began with Annabel." He defines Lolita as a "nymphet", the category of young girls between the ages of nine and fourteen that showed "supernatural grace, charm anesthetize the elusive, cunning, a fragile soul," and of course the nature of a "wild".
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Ane ga know what's going on at the agan mark twain, but in writing 200 word nigger in every page of this book. consequently this book has been banned from libraries across the country pakde sam or removed from the school curriculum. The book is also in the American Library Association's list of 'Most Frequently challenged Books' ... opinion? ckckck ... hard.
Huckleberry "Huck" Finn is 13-14 y / o, has no mother, and his father is a drunk WHO has not been seen for a year. He lives with the Widow Douglas, WHO has taken him for her son, and her sister Miss Watson. They live in St. Petersburg, the Fictional equivalent of Hannibal (on the upper Mississippi River in Missouri). He recounts how he and Tom found gold in a cave, And that his share of $ 6,000 is in the bank as Arranged by Judge Thatcher. He is not happy with his constraints, does not care about Moses or other dead people, and is not worried about going to hell. He is lonely and sneaks out at midnight to join Tom Sawyer, WHO plans to start up a band of robbers fake
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