Let's start by saying that everything we know about atoms today may change tomorrow. Science is constantly learning new things about the atom at atom crusher machines are made.
Surprisingly, the rich "atom" comes from the Greek word meaning "indivisible." The ancient Greeks regarded the atom as a particle of a substance is the smallest.
However, today we have discovered more than 20 different particles in this Aton! Scientists think that an atom consists of electrons, protons, neutrons, positrons, neutrinos-neutriono, meson-meson, and hiperon-hiperon. Electrons are particles that carry a negative electrical charge is very small. Proton, which weighs approximately 1836 times the weight of electrons, carrying a positive electrical charge. Neutrons, are still heavier, does not carry an electrical charge at all. Positron, which is about the size of approximately one per two thousand of the size of the electron, has no charge. Meson can be positively charged or negatively. Hiperon larger than the proton.
How to charge all particles or atoms are brought together to be is still unknown. But these atoms form the elements and different from each other. One thing that makes atoms different is based on weight, and thus, the elements are classified according to their atomic weights. For example, hydrogen is "1" on this list and the iron is "55". This means that an iron atom is 55 times the weight of a hydrogen atom.
But the weights are very small. A hydrogen atom weighs one in a million-million-million-million grams! To give another illustration of how small atoms are, let's see how many atoms are contained in a single hydrogen. The answer is approximately 6 followed by 23 zeros. If you start to count and calculate one atom per second, you will take ten million million years to count all the atoms are only present in one gram of hydrogen!
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Surprisingly, the rich "atom" comes from the Greek word meaning "indivisible." The ancient Greeks regarded the atom as a particle of a substance is the smallest.
However, today we have discovered more than 20 different particles in this Aton! Scientists think that an atom consists of electrons, protons, neutrons, positrons, neutrinos-neutriono, meson-meson, and hiperon-hiperon. Electrons are particles that carry a negative electrical charge is very small. Proton, which weighs approximately 1836 times the weight of electrons, carrying a positive electrical charge. Neutrons, are still heavier, does not carry an electrical charge at all. Positron, which is about the size of approximately one per two thousand of the size of the electron, has no charge. Meson can be positively charged or negatively. Hiperon larger than the proton.
How to charge all particles or atoms are brought together to be is still unknown. But these atoms form the elements and different from each other. One thing that makes atoms different is based on weight, and thus, the elements are classified according to their atomic weights. For example, hydrogen is "1" on this list and the iron is "55". This means that an iron atom is 55 times the weight of a hydrogen atom.
But the weights are very small. A hydrogen atom weighs one in a million-million-million-million grams! To give another illustration of how small atoms are, let's see how many atoms are contained in a single hydrogen. The answer is approximately 6 followed by 23 zeros. If you start to count and calculate one atom per second, you will take ten million million years to count all the atoms are only present in one gram of hydrogen!
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